Hi, I'm Ahmad Mahrous.

Welcome to my website!

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About Me

I'm a 14-year-old who likes to make coding projects, create VEX robots (V5RC), and being part of the stage crew at my school. I like solving problems and learning new things, whether it’s through building small robots, writing code, or making stage productions run smoothly. I love learning and exploring new projects in my free time.

What I’ve Done

📱 Small Coding Projects

Python, HTML, Javascript, Lua, etc. scripts and simple programs I’ve made for fun. Includes business (Arcades, Movie Theatres, etc.) management software, and stuff. You can download these at the button below.

🤖 Robotics

Made competitive robots, with autonomous code AND remote-control features.

🎭 Stage Crew

Helping set up lights, sound, and props for school productions.

All Projects + Download Links